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简介冰雪体育赛事英语_冰雪体育赛事英语课程教什么       大家好,今天我来为大家详细地介绍一下关于冰雪体育赛事英语的问题。以下是我对这个问题的总结和归纳,希望能对大家有所帮助。1.奥运体育项目分类英语单词(中文)2.冰雪大世界英语简介3













       freestyle自由泳,breaststroke蛙泳,butterfly蝶泳,individual medley个人混合泳,

       freestyle relay自由泳接力,medley relay混合泳接力,Water polo水球,


       10m latform event 十米跳台,3m springboard event三米跳板,synchronised diving from 10 m platform双人十米跳台,synchronised diving from 3 m springboard双人三米跳板,Synchronised swimming花样游泳


       Individual events个人赛,Team events团体赛



       100 m, 200 m, 400 m 100米,200米,400米

       800 m, 1,500 m, 5,000 m, 10,000 m 800米,1500米,5,000米,10,000米 110 m hurdles, 400 m hurdles 110米栏,400米栏

       3,000 m steeplechase 3000米障碍赛

       4 x 100 m relay, 4 x 400 m relay 4×100米接力,4×400米接力


       high jump跳高,pole vault撑杆跳高 ,long jump跳远, triple jump三级跳远 ,Throwing投掷

       shot put推铅球,discus掷铁饼,hammer掷链球,javelin标枪

       Decathlon男子十项全能,Heptathlon女子七项全能 Road events公路赛 marathon马拉松walk竞走

       Ball Games(球类运动)


       men's singles男子单打,women's singles女子单打,men's doubles男子双打,women's doubles女子双打,mixed doubles混合双打

       Baseball棒球,Basketball篮球,Football足球,Handball手球,Hockey / Field Hockey曲棍球,Softball 垒球,Table Tennis乒乓球,Tennis网球,Volleyball排球,Beach Volleyball沙滩排球


       Road cycling公路自行车赛,Track cycling场地自行车赛,sprint 追逐赛,time trial计时赛,points race 计分赛,pursuit 争先赛,Mountain bike山地自行车赛


       Jumping障碍赛,Dressage盛装舞步,Eventing三日赛 Fencing(击剑)

       Foil 花剑Epee重剑Sabre佩剑 Gymnastics(体操)

       Artistic Gymnastics竞技体操,Floor Exercises自由体操,Pommel Horse鞍马Rings吊环Vault跳马Parallel Bars双杠Horizontal Bar单杠Uneven Bars高低杠Balance Beam平衡木Rhythmic Gymnastics 艺术体操Gymnastics Trampoline蹦床 Modern Pentathlon(现代五项)

       Shooting射击Fencing击剑Swimming游泳Riding马术Cross-country running越野跑


       Windsurfer men / women - Mistral one design男子/女子帆板米氏级 S

       ingle-handed Dinghy Women - Europe女子帆船欧洲级

       Single-handed Dinghy men - Finn男子帆船芬兰人级

       Single-handed Dinghy open - Laser激光级

       Double-handed Dinghy men / women - 470男子/女子帆船470级预赛 Double-handed Dinghy open - 49er49人级 Multihull open - Tornado龙卷风级 Keelboat men - Star男子星光级 Keelboat women - Yngling女子索林级


       10 m air rifle10米气步枪,10 m air pistol10米气手枪,Men's 10 m running target男子10米移动靶,

       Men's 50 m rifle prone position男子50米步枪卧射,50 m rifle three positions50米步枪3种姿势 ,

       Men's 50 m pistol男子50米手枪,Women's 25 m pistol女子25米手枪,Men's 25 m rapid fire pistol 男子25米手枪速射Trap多向飞碟,

       Double trap双多向飞碟Skeet 双向飞碟


       Swimming游泳Cycling自行车Running跑步 Weightlifting(举重) Snatch抓举Clean and jerk挺举


       greco-roman古典式摔跤,free style自由式摔跤

        Rowing(赛艇)Boxing(拳击) Canoeing(皮划艇)Judo(柔道)Taekwondo(跆拳道)



       1、Exercise skeletal musclesIn ice and snow sports, people can experience the change of speed and control of body posture, and exercise skeletal muscles comprehensively and harmoniously.

       2.、Improve cardiopulmonary endurance

       The ambient temperature of outdoor ice and snow sports is quite different from the indoor temperature. Aerobic exercise in this low temperature and low pressure environment is conducive to improving cardiopulmonary endurance.

       3.、It is good for mental health

       The learning curve of ice and snow sports is relatively long. In the process of their own growth, they will meet many friends who study together.

       The members of the group interact with each other in the movement and have good interpersonal communication, which strengthens the frequency and depth of interpersonal communication. Having a good interpersonal relationship and the spirit of unity and cooperation also contributes to the healthy development of psychology.







       The first session of ice and snow world is one thousand celebration, a lifetime, in order to meet the university awards, Harbin people by its unique insight, put up a Disneyland, snow and ice in songhua river in Harbin ice and snow world.


       To welcome the arrival of 2000, the national tourism bureau and China central television (CCTV) will be held in century celebration festivities in one thousand. Harbin in northern China's most outstanding tourist city into the national tourism administration manages the only city shenzhou century first swim. In order to make the celebration of the shenzhou one thousand century tour activities do more warm, ha marina city government decided to the first session of ice and snow festival opening ceremony on December 31, 1999 and the marina swim swim first celebration in one thousand China century type at the same time. In the face of historical opportunity comes once in a blue moon, give full play to the advantages of time and space, snow and ice in Harbin further use, architectural pattern, Harbin has very large on an unprecedented scale of ice and snow art high-quality goods project - Harbin songhua river ice and snow world, to show the northern city of Harbin ice and snow culture and unique charm of ice and snow tourism. China central television broadcast the event all over the world via satellite. Then also held a grand scale, spectacle of large-scale fireworks party and celebration carnival night large mass activities in one thousand, shows the unique charm of ice and snow in Harbin.


       Harbin ice and snow world is located in the songhua river section of songhua river jiangxin beach, total length of 1030 meters, at its widest point 25 meters, the total area of nearly 200000 square meters, total YongBingLiang 60000 cubic meters, always with volume of 130000 cubic meters of snow, more than 500 engineering projects, a total investment of more than 3000 ten thousand yuan. More than 5000 construction workers to participate in the construction, investment size of more than 600 vehicles of ice. Project to start on November 22, 1999, 4 December beginning of construction, after 33 days, completion inspection and acceptance on December 25.


       Ice and snow world park 1


       Ice and snow world park 1 (20)


       The entire park construction with \"the door\", \"joy\", \"cartoon\" three doors as the center, formed in the east, west, three parts, including \"the voice of the century\", \"cartoon world\", \"adventure playground\", \"ice amorous feelings\", \"ski resorts song\" five scenic spots: one thousand celebration as the theme in the \"voice of the century\" of the scenic area, by the sound of the dragon, century bell tower, regression and the stage of four square, mainly includes the millennium dragon, the door, two dragon paddle, century clock, huabiao, joy colonnade, Hong Kong convention and exhibition center, the ruins of st. Paul, Taiwan ChiQianLou, Harbin 50 years achievements exhibits corridor landscape; Children's recreational activities as the theme in the \"cartoon world\" of the scenic area, both with jade from winter jasmine, northland scenery, snow, pine crane live, underwater world, Snow White, Santa Claus, trip to Russia's eight scenic spots and discus depended sleeping Buddha pagodas, snow mountain, the emotion, snow castle children, many sights, such as snow house, as well as the Great Wall, animal model of the slide and joy maze for children age characteristics of ice and snow entertainment facilities such as; Three is interesting to participate in activities as the theme of \"adventure playground\" scenic area, equipped with snow mountain cableway, ice climbing rocks, such as the pursuit of exciting entertainment projects; Ice activities as the theme in four \"ice amorous feelings\" of the scenic area, there is ice skating rink, ice sculpture, smoke ice Ga, mysterious valley, the time tunnel, such as ice entertainment, as well as for visitors to keep warm and rest of greenhouses and ger garden; Snow activities as the theme in five \"ski resorts song\" scenic spot, with ski resorts, snow football stadium, snowmobiling project, tower, the Great Wall scenic spots such as windmills and snow. Songhua river ice and snow world engineering grand, unique, unique charm, thoughtful, interesting, appreciation, participation, entertainment in one park, creating the architectural works seven historical Harbin ice and snow.


       2 the second


       Harbin second ice and snow world scenery


       Harbin second ice and snow world scenery


       The second session of ice and snow world garden party on December 25, 2000 to February 28, 2001, held in Harbin, China. Ood the songhua river in Harbin city beautiful Stalin company and jiangxin beach. Covers an area of 290000 square meters, four large area, 23 theme scenic spots. Total YongBingLiang 70000 cubic meters, the total use snow 70000 cubic meters, was the world's largest artificial ice amusement park. Including color ice products, thousands of pieces of ice and snow art high-quality goods found in all corners of the park, the dizzying, feast for the eyes. Dozens of buildings and towering majestic giant ice snow mountain sculpture has strong visual impact and shock, make the person eyes, see more enjoyable. Skating, skiing, make a snowman, playing slide, disco, fancy dress party, winter hundreds of entertainment activities such as fishing, folk village winter camp, make people have a good time, blissfully unaware. It has restaurants, all kinds of freezing point, Russian fast, special tourism souvenir, lease cotton-padded clothes and sports equipment such as a full set of ShangFu, big full the luck to eat STH delicious at the same time also brought back memories of the collection.


       The second ice and snow world first introduction of little \"man-made sun\", high-tech means, such as the laser combination park at night as the fairyland fantasy spectacular and gorgeous.


       3 the third


       The third session of ice and snow world is located in the jiangbei, black dock area road on the east side, to the overall layout


       Harbin the third session of ice and snow world scenery


       Harbin the third session of ice and snow world scenery


       The existing road for the skeleton, combined with the topography and geomorphology, along the dock on the dike cloth garden landscape. Garden use of qing Yang as a ring park road built two axis shaft, connecting scenic spots; Outside the garden use of ulmus parvifolia, dock dike on the road and long bai road form surround close the park around the loop.


       4 the 4th


       The fourth session of the ice and snow world covers an area of 400000 square meters, total YongBingLiang 150000 cubic meters, with volume of 120000 cubic meters of snow. By the international plaza, longjiang town, Chinese gardens, South Asia, Europe and the United States customs, trip to Russia, ice and snow, limit the world's eight major themes such as Great Wall scenic spots, overall planning and outstanding creativity, affective, diversity theme activities.


       5 the fifth


       The fifth ice and snow world on December 24, 2003 in China was held in Harbin. Park set the essence of the world of ice and snow art, melting snow and ice fun in a park. Ice and snow art scene, ice and snow entertainment project of the most complete, is the most beautiful snow night scenery garden party.


       June 6th


       The 6th ice and snow world earnestly implement the central of China in Russia to the fine clubs, theme park planning: china-russia friendship year. Overall project planning covers an area of 280000 square meters, YongBingLiang 120000 cubic meters, with volume of 80000 cubic meters of snow, landscape number more than 2000.



       The Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece more than 2,000 years ago and was named after Olympia.?

       After the ancient Olympic Games was suspended for 1,500 years, the Frenchman Coubertin proposed the initiative of the modern Olympic Games at the end of the 19th century.?

       The Olympic Committee was established in 1894, the first Olympic Games was held in 1896.

       The first Winter Olympics was held in 1924, the first Paralympic Games was held in 1960.

       The first Youth Olympic Games was held in 2010, and the first Youth Olympic Games was held in 2012. .

       In July 2017, the International Olympic Committee decided to host the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, France, hosted the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles.

       And officially announced at the 131st Plenary Session of the International Olympic Committee in Lima, Peru on September 14.?

       The ownership of the two Olympic Games.



















        The Ice World show at The Venetian Macao is proving so popular that the show is being continued through Oct 9.In the Wonders of the World section,you can see a replica of India’s Taj Majal and France’s Eiffel carved from ice.


       Tell Me More

       Ice is a small word with just three letters,but it has many meanings in English.Ice is the definition of frozen water.It’s also slang for diamonds or other flashy jewelry – real or fake.Someone will say,“She’s wearing a lot of ice.”

       If you “ice” a cake,you’re putting frosting (“icing”) on the cake.If you “ice” a person,you killed him.If you are fighting with your cousin,and your mother tells you,“You are skating on thin ice,” that means you are about to get into trouble.If I put a “project on ice,” that means I put it aside to work on something else.

       An “ice princess” is a young woman who is cold-natured.If you don’t like the woman,you can say,“That ice princess doesn’t cut any ice with me.”

       Ice只有3个字母,但含义丰富.Ice除了表示“冰”,在俚语中还可以表示钻石或珠宝(不管真货假货).有的人会说,“She’s wearing a lot of ice”.

       如果你说ice a cake,就表示你在蛋糕上加了霜状白糖.如果你说ice a person,意思是说你杀了他.如果你和堂兄妹正干仗,你的妈妈会跟你说,“You are skating on thin ice”,意思是说你俩再这么下去要出事儿了.如果我put a project on ice,就是说我把活放一边去忙别的.

       Ice princess是形容一个性情冷淡的年轻女子.如果你不喜欢她,你可以说“That ice princess doesn’t cut any ice with me.”


       1、速度滑冰英文:Speed Skating

       2、短道速滑英文:Short Track Speed Skating

       3、花样滑冰英文:Figure Skating

       4、冰球英文:Ice Hockey






       10、高山滑雪英文:Alpine Skiing

       11、自由式滑雪英文:Freestyle Skiing

